Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s penchant for hugs has made international headlines, not once, not twice but on several occasions. It is almost always, that instead of a formal handshake, Modi opts for a hug, making situations a little awkward to say the least.
Modi took it one step too far last year, when he locked his arms around US President Barrack Obama’s waist. Despite images making rounds on social media, Modi was not deterred, and was back with his hugs during French President Francois Hollande’s visit to India.
We look back at some of Modi’s most memorable hugs.
He tried..
And he tried again:
Maybe he was just in love with Obama’s suit!
French President Francois Hollande was okay with a hug…
Until Modi decided this was the French way to hug..
And it doesn’t end there..
And nor did it end with our very own Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif..
Modi took his hugs to Japan…
…And to UAE
At least Mark Zuckerberg accepted his ‘friend(ly) request’
Maybe it’s about time Modi realises the world is watching him
Here is how some reacted to his recent hug:
Modi ji is the only person on earth who knows how 2 recreate Titanic , without a ship Chandigarh
— CANeha (@Nk3010Neha) January 24, 2016
Mr. and Mrs. Hollande on their way to Panipath.
— Swachh Politics (@SwachhPolitics) January 25, 2016
After the Awkward Hug, Holande turned back to escape Modi but…
— Joy (@Joydas) January 24, 2016
The post It’s the hug life: Modi’s unique style of meeting world leaders appeared first on The Express Tribune.